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Il·lustre Col·legi de l'Advocacia de Barcelona
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Internacional | Tipus de Curs | Seccions

Seminari ERA sobre l'aplicació de la Carta de Drets Fonamentals de la Unió Europea (Applying the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union)

S’ofereixen 20 places gratuïtes per els Col·legiats de l’ICAB que estiguin interessats en participar-hi. El curs s’impartirà únicament en anglès. Les inscripcions s’han de fer abans del 10 de gener, contactant abans amb l’ICAB a


S’ofereixen 20 places gratuïtes per els Col·legiats de l’ICAB que estiguin interessats en participar-hi. El curs s’impartirà únicament en anglès. Les inscripcions s’han de fer abans del 10 de gener, contactant abans amb l’ICAB a


The Academy of European Law (ERA)


This intensive practical online training will provide participants with sound knowledge of the scope and interpretation of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union and of its practical implementation in national legal orders, in particular with regard to the right to a fair trial.

Who should attend?

Lawyers in private practice from EU Member States (except Denmark), Albania and Montenegro

You will learn…

  • How fundamental rights are protected in Europe
  • The legal value of the EU Charter
  • How to apply and interpret the EU Charter at domestic level
  • About the scope of application of Article 47 of the EU Charter in practice and possible restrictions, as well as its relationship with Article 6 of the ECHR
  • How to exercise effectively the rights of the defence under EU law
  • How to use remedies in EU law
  • How to safeguard the rights of victims in criminal proceedings. What participants liked in 2018 “High quality of speakers” “Great opportunity to meet new people and improve your skills” Interactive online seminar
  • “Useful, practical information”
  • “Excellent new insight into the subject matter”

The online seminar will be hosted on ERA’s own online training platform. You will be able to interact immediately and directly with our top-quality speakers and other participants. We will make the most of the technical tools available to deliver an intensive, interactive training experience. As the platform is hosted on our own server, the highest security settings will be applied to ensure that you can participate safely in a high-quality online training environment.

Terms and conditions of participation 


1. Participation is only open to lawyers in private practice from EU Member States (except Denmark), Albania and Montenegro. 

2. The number of places available is limited (45 places). Participation will be subject to a selection procedure. 

3. Applications must be made online at

4. If you are comming from the Barcelona Bar Association (ICAB), contact before applying.

5. The applications should be submitted by 10 January 2021. 

6. A response will be sent to every applicant shortly after this deadline. 

Registration Fee 

7. No seminar fee for participants selected by the Barcelona Bar Association (ICAB). For all other applicants the seminar fee is 75 euros. 


8. Participation at the whole seminar is required and your presence will be monitored. 

9. A certificate of attendance will be distributed at the end of the seminar. 


Free for participants selected by the Barcelona Bar Association (ICAB).

75€ for all other applicants. 

Internacional | Tipus de Curs | Seccions

Seminari ERA sobre l'aplicació de la Carta de Drets Fonamentals de la Unió Europea (Applying the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union)

Informació general

  • 11/02/2021 - 12/02/2021
  • ERA’s own online training platform
  • From 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM
  • De pagament


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