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Advocacia Barcelona
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Il·lustre Col·legi de l'Advocacia de Barcelona
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135 results found
  • Headlines

  • Headlines

  • Biblioteca

  • Commission of Women Lawyers | Press | Press releases

  • Academy of Jurisprudence and Legislation of Catalonia | Headlines

  • ICAB Training | International ICAB Training

    Barcelona hosts the Summer Law Program ICAB-California Lawyers Association 2023

    The Barcelona Bar Association (ICAB) has hosted the celebration of the "Summer Law Program", in collaboration with the California Lawyers Association (CLA), with which the ICAB has signed a Twinning Agreement.
  • ICAB Training | Legal Magazine of Catalonia | Press releases | Headlines

  • Biblioteca | Headlines

  • School of Legal Practice (EPJ) | EPJ | Alumni EPJ

  • Headlines

  • ICAB International Department | Headlines

    Barcelona hosts the Summer Law Program ICAB-California Lawyers Association 2023

    The Barcelona Bar Association (ICAB) has hosted the celebration of the "Summer Law Program", in collaboration with the California Lawyers Association (CLA), with which the ICAB has signed a Twinning Agreement.
  • Regulatory Commission | Legal News / Jurisprudence

    Reial Decret 608/2023, d'11 de juliol, pel qual es desenvolupa el Mecanisme XARXA de Flexibilitat i Estabilització de l'Ocupació

    Publicat al BOE del 12 de juliol de 2023.


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