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Il·lustre Col·legi de l'Advocacia de Barcelona
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Departament Internacional | Departament Internacional ICAB

Statement European Bars Federation

FBE stands with Ukraine, its citizens and the Ukrainian National Bar Association and condemns a blatant violation of international law by Russia

Fri Feb 25 02:00:00 CET 2022

The European Bars Federation (FBE) representing 250 National and Regional Bars and therefore 1 million lawyers condemns the military actions undertaken by Russia against the Ukraine and stands in solidarity with its citizens including all the lawyers pursuing their profession in these difficult moments.

The FBE as European voice of legal professionals urges Russia to immediately cease the invasion and respect Ukraine’s sovereignty and its territorial integrity as this attack threatens the lives of millions and constitutes a serious violation of international law.

The FBE will stay united with the Ukrainian National Bar Association and all the Ukrainian colleagues and will support them on every possible occasion in these dark moments and expresses hopes that this unprovoked and unjustified military attack will not go unpunished.



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