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China Law Business Tour for International Lawyers. Beiging, 18-24 October 2015

Des de la China Law Society ens arriba aquesta informació relativa al Business Tour for International Lawyers que aquesta institució està organitzant.
Fri Jul 31 00:00:00 CEST 2015

China is carrying out a new round of high-quality opening up and fostering a new all-round opening up environment. On the one hand, China implements Free Trade Zone strategy and takes a more active, more effective approach to making use of foreign capital, such as revising the Catalogue for the Guidance of Industries for Foreign Investment, halving the number of industries in which foreign investment is restricted, introducing across-board management system under which foreign investment projects generally need only to be placed on record, with government review required in only a limited number of cases and working to improve the foreign investment regulatory system to create a stable, fair, transparent, and predictable business environment. China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone has attracted over 22,000 enterprises after only one year of its establishment. On March 24th, 2015, three other Free Trade Zones in provinces of Guangdong, Tianjin and Fujian were newly established. On the other hand, China speeds up the implementation of the “go global” strategy and works with relevant countries in developing the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road. China encourages Chinese enterprises to participate in overseas infrastructure development projects and engage in cooperation with their foreign counterparts in building up production capacity, works to increase the international market share of Chinese railway, electric power, communications, engineering machinery, automobile, aircraft, electronics, and other equipment, and encourages the metallurgical, building materials, and other industries to invest overseas. With those policies, in 2014, foreign direct investment actually made in China reached $119.6 billion, making China the world’s top destination for foreign direct investment, while China's outward foreign direct investment reached $102.9 billion, ranking third in the world. China has now become one of the most potential international markets.

Under the above background, international lawyers who know China and Chinese legal system well will not only be welcomed by foreign enterprises in China, but also needed by Chinese “go global” enterprises and lawyers. China Law Business Tour for International Lawyers is designed to follow this tendency and provides a good opportunity for international lawyers who are interested in developing China-related business to investigate Chinese market and seek opportunities to expand business in China. The participants of the Tour can also apply for being members of our Foreign Legal Experts Database, and thus can get the priority to provide legal service for Chinese “go global” enterprises.

For more information:

Ms. Gu Ran
Program Officer
Tel: +86-10-66155681
Fax: +86-10-66155681
Address: No. 63, Bingmasi Hutong, Xicheng District, Beijing, P.R.C, 100034



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