Presentation Erasmus +

The Erasmus+ project “The EuroLawyers Exchange Program” is a program subsidized by the European Union to carry out internships in law firms and institutions of the countries participating in the program (All EU member countries and in any of the countries associated with the program at an international level).
The Barcelona Bar Association, together with the UAB, the UB, the UOC and the UPF-BSM, form a consortium to develop The EuroLawyers Exchange Program project. A project that aims to give the tools to future lawyers from the start, so that they have access to the European labour market.
Three calls are published during the year (in June, September and December) - which are announced on the website and through the universities participating in the project - and internships can be found through ICAB or by contacting directly with the law firm or institution where you would like to do them.
ICAB International Training
Formación ICAB - Comisión de Cultura
Mallorca, 283 / Mallorca, 281 (Centre de Formació)
08037 Barcelona , Barcelona (Spain) - 93 601 12 80 / 93 496 18 80
- Fax: 93 215 04 29
Mallorca, 283 / Mallorca, 281 (Centre de Formació)