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Il·lustre Col·legi de l'Advocacia de Barcelona
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International | ICAB International Department

Euro Lawyers Exchange Program. Convocatòria del Programa Erasmus+

Las solicitudes pueden presentarse hasta el 18 de octubre de 2019.
Thu Oct 03 00:00:00 CEST 2019

Ampliamos el plazo de solicitud para la convocatoria ERASMUS+ enero - mayo 2020 por la que el alumnado de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya y la Universitat de Barcelona puede participar en el Programa Erasmus+ de prácticas que ofrece el Ilustre Colegio de la Abogacía de Barcelona. Encontraréis toda la información sobre los posibles destinos y los trámites que deben realizarse en las Bases de la Convocatoria.

Las solicitudes podrán presentarse hasta el 18 de octubre de 2019. Para a más detalles sobre la convocatoria y resolver vuestras dudas podéis escribir a


11545 results found
  • 307.2890625 Kbpdf
  • Office Shift and Assistance to the Detainee | Office Shift and Assistance to the Detained Person - City of Justice

    2023 TO Designes

    1107.2412109375 Kbxlsx
  • Office Shift and Assistance to the Detainee | Office Shift and Assistance to the Detained Person - City of Justice

    2023 TO Fact

    185.30078125 Kbxlsx
  • Office Shift and Assistance to the Detainee | Office Shift and Assistance to the Detained Person - City of Justice

    2022 TO Designes

    1129.58203125 Kbxlsx
  • Office Shift and Assistance to the Detainee | Office Shift and Assistance to the Detained Person - City of Justice

    2022 TO Fact

    189.95703125 Kbxlsx
  • Office Shift and Assistance to the Detainee | Office Shift and Assistance to the Detained Person - City of Justice

    2021 TO Designes

    1153.0048828125 Kbxlsx
  • Office Shift and Assistance to the Detainee | Office Shift and Assistance to the Detained Person - City of Justice

    2021 TO Fact

    203.6826171875 Kbxlsx
  • Office Shift and Assistance to the Detainee | Office Shift and Assistance to the Detained Person - City of Justice

    2020 TO Designes

    1145.6328125 Kbxlsx
  • Igualada Delegation | Igualada

    MENÚ - Sant Raimon de Penyafort 2024 en Igualada

    491.322265625 Kbpdf
  • Commission for Relations with the Administration and Justice (CRAJ) | Commission for Relations with the Administration and Justice (CRAJ) | CRAJ - Agreements

    TSJCAT - Acuerdo Opción lingüística

    208.173828125 Kbpdf
  • Office Shift and Assistance to the Detainee | Office Shift and Assistance to the Detained Person - City of Justice

    2020 TO Fact

    205.314453125 Kbxlsx
  • Office Shift and Assistance to the Detainee | Office Shift and Assistance to the Detained Person - City of Justice

    2019 TO Fact

    211.5693359375 Kbxlsx



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