Office shift | Office Shift and Assistance to the Detained Person - City of Justice
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24 results found
Office Shift and Assistance to the Detainee | Office Shift and Assistance to the Detained Person - City of Justice179.896484375 Kbxlsx
2014 TO Fact
Office Shift and Assistance to the Detainee | Office Shift and Assistance to the Detained Person - City of Justice784.30078125 Kbxlsx
2024 TO Designes
Office Shift and Assistance to the Detainee | Office Shift and Assistance to the Detained Person - City of Justice338.8046875 Kbpdf
Convenio de colaboración entre el Departamento de Justicia y Calidad Democrática y el Consell dels Il·lustres Col·legis d'Advocats de Catalunya para el establecimiento del marco de actuación en materia de prestación de asistencia jurídica gratuita durante el año 2025
Office Shift and Assistance to the Detainee | Office Shift and Assistance to the Detained Person - City of Justice1107.2412109375 Kbxlsx
2023 TO Designes
Office Shift and Assistance to the Detainee | Office Shift and Assistance to the Detained Person - City of Justice185.30078125 Kbxlsx
2023 TO Fact
Office Shift and Assistance to the Detainee | Office Shift and Assistance to the Detained Person - City of Justice1129.58203125 Kbxlsx
2022 TO Designes
Office Shift and Assistance to the Detainee | Office Shift and Assistance to the Detained Person - City of Justice189.95703125 Kbxlsx
2022 TO Fact
Office Shift and Assistance to the Detainee | Office Shift and Assistance to the Detained Person - City of Justice1153.0048828125 Kbxlsx
2021 TO Designes
Office Shift and Assistance to the Detainee | Office Shift and Assistance to the Detained Person - City of Justice203.6826171875 Kbxlsx
2021 TO Fact
Office Shift and Assistance to the Detainee | Office Shift and Assistance to the Detained Person - City of Justice1145.6328125 Kbxlsx
2020 TO Designes
Office Shift and Assistance to the Detainee | Office Shift and Assistance to the Detained Person - City of Justice205.314453125 Kbxlsx
2020 TO Fact
Office shift | Office Shift and Assistance to the Detainee | Office Shift and Assistance to the Detained Person - City of Justice | Office shift396.203125 Kbpdf
Nota informativa del ICAB en relación a la prestación del servicio del Turno de Oficio
Turno de Oficio y Asistencia a la Persona Detenida - Ciudad de la Justicia
Avinguda Carrilet 3, Edifici D, 1a planta
08902 L'Hospitalet de Llobregat, Barcelona (Spain) - ASISTENCIA: 902123365 / 932974399 / 936011203
- TURNO DE OFICIO: 934871350
- ÁREA JURÍDICA: 934329015
Avinguda Carrilet 3, Edifici D, 1a planta