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Trobades de Barcelona- Jacques Henry Memorial 2022 addresses the protection of human rights in accordance with international law

The traditional Trobades de Barcelona-Memorial Jacques Henry were held on Friday, February 4, 2022, co-organized by the Barcelona Bar Association (ICAB) and the Fédération des Barreaux d'Europe (FBE), and have dealt with the protection of human rights in accordance with international law.

Fri Feb 04 00:00:00 CET 2022

Rosa Peña, council member of ICAB Governing Board responsible for International Relations, opened the session with the participation of Dominique Attias, President of the Fédération des Barreaux d'Europe (FBE), and the Baroness Helena Kennedy membre of the House of Lords and Chair of Justice the British arm of the International Commission of Jurists.

The meetings were divided into two roundtables with the aim of addressing and reflecting on the protection, application and use of human rights. We focused on human rights as a mechanism for change and progress towards a more just and egalitarian world, but without ignoring the fragility and violations to which they are often subjected.

The first panel, entitled "Human Rights Tools for Changing the World", was attended by Francesco Caia, President of the International Observatory of Lawyers at Risk (OIAD); Brian Frenkel, Adviser on Human Rights and Humanitarian Affairs at the Permanent Mission to the UN; Marci Górski, turn-based lawyer and professor at the University of Lódz; Claudia Jiménez, Associate Professor of International Public Law and Director of the Department of Public Law and Historical and Legal Sciences at the University of Barcelona and Marina Silvia Mori, member of the Milan Bar Association and member of the European Observatory Union of Italian Criminal Chambers. All of them spoke under the moderation of Maria Chica, a member of the ICAB International Relations Committee.

The second panel, entitled "The Fragility of Human Rights", was attended by James MacGuill, President of the Council of the European Bar Associations (CCBE); Hervé Chemoli, President of the Union Internationale des Avocats (UIA); Javier Cremades, president of the World Jurist Association (WJA); Claudio Visco, Secretary General of the International Bar Association; Nancy Stattford, Professor of International Law at the American Bar Association (ABA), and François Barré, former President of the International Association of Young Lawyers (AIJA). The session was moderated by Milagros Poal, a member of the International Relations Committee of the Barcelona Bar Association.

To close the event, Maria Barrancho, a member of the ICAB's International Relations Committee, presented the main conclusions of the event and Clarisse Surin, a member of the Paris Bar Association, presented the ' Repit Program -Shelter program and respite scheme for threatened Lawyers' so that the lawyer knows the existence of this program where lawyers who feel threatened as a result of the defense of the rights and freedom of citizenship can be welcomed.

Through the Trobades de Barcelona-Jacques Henry Memorial -celebrated in blended format (in person on the 8th floor and online, through ZOOM) in the framework of Sant Raimon de Penyafort 2022- we want to promote the internationalization of the Barcelona’s Legal Profession.



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