The Barcelona Bar Association, venue of the Academy of European Law (ERA) Seminar on the Economics of EU Competition Law
The Academy of European (ERA) has held, on May 11th and 12th of 2023, at the Training Center of the Barcelona Bar Association, the seminar "Economics of EU Competition Law: a practical guide for professionals”.
Ms. Rosa Isabel Peña, Council Member responsible for International Relations, has participated in the inaugural session of the course.
The purpose of this international seminar ("Economics of EU Competition Law: Practical Guide for Practitioners") has been to provide participating legal professionals with the tools to understand the main economic concepts relevant to competition law, so that they can apply the EU competition rules to the digital economy.
For two days, the seminar has analyzed topics as current as the recapitulation of basic economic concepts; the main challenges and fallacies in the definition of the market; the study of cartels, domain abuse and vertical restrictions or economic analysis in the context of recent jurisprudence of the CJEU. Also, the characteristics of digital markets and the impact of the Digital Market Law (DMA); the economic context of the new Vertical Block Exemption Regulation and Vertical Guidelines or the economics of sustainability agreements.

ICAB International Training