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Communication (Press, Web and 'Món Jurídic') | Human Rights Observatory | Press releases

Statement regarding the arrest of lawyers in Turkey

From the Observatory for the Rights of Persons of the Barcelona Bar Association (ICAB) we express our deep concern about the current situation in Turkey, where there has been the arbitrary detention of lawyers exercising their function of defending the rights of persons.

Thu May 11 14:00:00 CEST 2023

We believe that Lawyers, as guarantors of justice and fundamental rights, should exercise their functions without fear of reprisals or intimidation, as this is a serious violation of the Rule of Law and the values that sustain it, as well as of international treaties.

The detention of legal professionals in Turkey who defend the rights of individuals is an attack on freedom of expression and the right to a fair and equitable defense. This situation may discourage other professionals from practicing their work and thus undermine the foundations of a fair and democratic society.

We urge the Turkish authorities to respect and protect the work of Lawyers in their role of defending the rights of individuals and to ensure a safe environment for the exercise of the right to freedom of expression and the right of defense.

We also call on all citizens to unite against these practices around the world and to vindicate the importance of the fundamental role of Lawyers in the protection of Human Rights and the Rule of Law.

We cannot allow the detention of lawyers in Turkey or anywhere else on the planet, to become a common practice. It is necessary to ensure a safe environment for the exercise of their functions and to protect the values and principles that underpin any Rule of Law.

The Barcelona Legal Profession will closely follow the evolution of this situation and will work to denounce any violation of Human Rights and the Rule of Law in Turkey.

We stand in solidarity with all lawyers in Turkey who are suffering very serious personal consequences for their defense of people's rights, and we reiterate our commitment to the promotion and defense of Human Rights and freedoms.



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