SAVE THE DATE! November 17-18 “Annual Conference on EU Criminal Justice 2022”
The Barcelona Bar Association, together with the Academy of European Law (ERA), organizes the Annual Conference on Criminal Justice of the EU 2022 on November 17 and 18.
This conference will facilitate the exchange of experiences among legal practitioners on current developments and future initiatives in the field of EU criminal justice.
This year’s event will touch upon the twenty years of the European Arrest Warrant (EAW): its key features, its (mis)use and how this instrument inspired other EU judicial tools. The conference will also address the EPPO, defence rights, the (proposed) new EU legislation on e-evidence, the (mis)use of bitcoins and crimes in the “digital age”.
High-ranking representatives of the EU institutions, academics and national experts will debate the key priorities within the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice for the years ahead.
Key topics
- Twenty years of the EU “success story”: the EAW
- The European Public Prosecutor’s Office (EPPO)
- Defence rights
- e-Evidence, bitcoins and “e-crimes 2.0”
- Recent case law of the Court of Justice of the EU and its impact on the EU criminal justice system
You can find the provisional program attached.
The Barcelona Bar Association can invite 10 members who can attend for free. Those who are interested should write an email with the name and membership number to the email until October 21th (included). Applications will be selected in order of registration. You will receive a confirmation email.
Other interested parties can register for the conference at the following link:

ICAB International Training