Internship in the Court of Justice of the European Union 2022
The Court of Justice of the European Union offers each year a limited number of places for paid internships in the cabinets of the members of the Court of Justice and the General Court and in the services of the Court of Justice.
General information
The Court of Justice of the European Union offers each year a limited number of places for paid internships in the cabinets of the members of the Court of Justice and the General Court and in the services of the Court of Justice.
The practices in the cabinets of the members of the Court of Justice and the General Court have a minimum duration of three months and a maximum of five months. They start, within the two periods indicated below, on the 1st or the 16th of the month. Internships in the Court of Justice services last for five months and start on the 1st day of the first month of each of the two periods indicated below.
Internships in the Court of Justice services are carried out mainly in the Legal Translation Departments, in the Research and Documentation Department, in the Communication Department, in the Protocol and Visits Department, in the service of the Legal Adviser for administrative offices, in the Registry of the General Court and in the Interpretation Directorate (for internships in the Interpretation Directorate, see below).
There are two internship periods:
– From March 1 to July 31 (submission of applications from July 1 to September 15 of each year).
– From September 16 to the end of February for internships in cabinets and from October 1 to the end of February for internships in services (submission of applications from February 1 to April 15 of each year).
Candidates, who must have a university degree in Law, Political or Economic Sciences or in a similar field, or, for internships in the Interpretation Directorate, a conference interpreter degree, must submit their applications through the EU CV Online application within the established deadlines. Candidates must have a thorough knowledge of one official language of the European Union and a good knowledge of another official language. For service reasons, it is advisable to have a good knowledge of French. Candidates must not have already carried out internships (paid or unpaid) in an institution or body of the European Union. The amount of the scholarship is €1,372 per month. This amount is not subject to the tax regime applicable to civil servants and other agents of the European Union. A contribution to travel expenses of €150 will be paid to fellows whose place of residence is located at a geographical distance of 200 km or more from the seat of the Court of Justice of the European Union.
Internships at the Interpreting Department, lasting between ten and twelve weeks, are aimed primarily at young people with a diploma in Conference Interpreting whose language combination is of interest to the Department. Its objective is to offer young interpreters a check on their professional development, more specifically in the field of legal interpreting, which involves both the preparation of files as well as terminology research and practical exercises in a "silent booth". A knowledge of read French is required. The selection of candidates takes place once a year, around September 15, for the entire judicial year (presentation of candidates from July 1 to September 15 of each year). Please note that no hearings are held during judicial vacations.
Exceptionally, it is allowed, under certain conditions, to carry out unpaid internships by the institution in a Member's cabinet, at the latter's initiative, outside the two internship periods indicated above and without the need to submit an application through the application. EU CV Online within the aforementioned deadlines. These internships are carried out within the framework of an initial, professional or continuous training program whose calendar is incompatible with the aforementioned internship periods. The application of this system requires that scholarship holders receive a scholarship, allowance or remuneration from another source for carrying out the internship.

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