ICAB hosts the 7th International Legal Breakfast dedicated to Vietnam
On May 31st of 2023, the Reception Hall of the Barcelona Bar Association hosted the celebration of the 7th International Legal Breakfast, dedicated to Vietnam. The event, organized by the International Department, was presided over by Ms. Rosa Isabel Peña, council member responsible for International Relations.
The international meeting had the exhibition of Ms. Monika Nguyen Nam, Special Business Advisor at Becamex IDC Corp. and the online presentation by Dr. Oliver MassMann, partner at Duanne Morris Vietnam.
Under the motto "Highlights of the Vietnamese Legal and Tax Framework for Legal Advisors", the day served to address the most topical issues related to Vietnam such as, for example, the economic and investment structure, the creation of a legal entity or taxation, intellectual property law or the Free Trade Agreement between the European Union and the Southeast Asian country.

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