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El ICAB alberga los días 24 y 25 de octubre el seminario de la ERA 'The Life Cycle of Electronic Evidence'

En el marco del acuerdo de cooperación que tienen suscrito, la Academia de Derecho Europeo (ERA) y el Ilustre Colegio de la Abogacía de Barcelona (ICAB) organizan los próximos 24 y 25 de octubre, en Barcelona, un seminario sobre la prueba electrónica con el título 'The Life Cycle of Electronic Evidence'.
Mon Oct 17 00:00:00 CEST 2016

La jornada se realizará en las salas 64/65 del ICAB (c/ Mallorca, 283).

The Life Cycle of Electronic Evidence


• Philip Anderson, Director of Programmes, Network Technology, Computer Security and Computer Forensics, Northumbria University
• Laviero Buono, Head of Section, European Criminal Law, ERA, Trier
• Rainer Franosch , Senior Public Prosecutor, Head of Cybercrime Division, Ministry of Justice of the German Federal State of Hesse, Wiesbaden
• Jari Javanainen, Detective Sergeant, Finnish Police, Vantaa
• Manel Martínez, President, IT Law Section, Barcelona Bar Association (ICAB), Barcelona
• Stephen Mason, Barrister and Associate Research Fellow, Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, London
• Joachim Meese, Professor, Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure, University of Antwerp ; Managing Partner, Van Steenbrugge & Partners, Ghent
• Goran Oparnica, Director, INsig2, Zagreb
• J. Oriol Rusca Nadal, President, Barcelona Bar Association (ICAB), Barcelona
• Abraham Pasamar, CEO, Incide Digital Data, Member of the Spanish Cybercrime Centre of Excellence, Barcelona
• Andreu Van Den Eynde, Defence Lawyer, Van den Eynde Derecho Penal, Barcelona ; Associate Professor in Criminal Law, University of Barcelona



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