Barcelona hosts the Summer Law Program ICAB-California Lawyers Association 2023
The Barcelona Bar Association (ICAB) has hosted the celebration of the "Summer Law Program", in collaboration with the California Lawyers Association (CLA), with which the ICAB has signed a Twinning Agreement.
On Monday, July 17th, 2023, a welcome reception took place at the Palauet Casades Dean's Office, attended by our dean, Jesús M. Sánchez; the vice dean, Susana Ferrer; the deputy of the Governing Board responsible for International Relations Rosa Isabel Peña and the ICAB international delegate in California, Patricia Montesinos.
On behalf of the CLA (California Lawyers Association), Jeremy M. Evans, President; Richard Bainter, chair International Law Section; Josh Surowith, Former Chair International Law Section and Eric Husby, CLA-ILS Secretary.
During four days, this International Training program has addressed different topics of interest, such as the comparative analysis of Sports Law, placing special emphasis on bribery and other forms of corruption in the United States and Spain. The importance of Compliance and the role of the Compliance Officer have also been examined, as well as the differences in the approach to this issue between the United States and Europe.
Likewise, corporate conflicts, agreements and arbitration have been discussed as conflict resolution mechanisms and a session has been dedicated to mediation in the field of consumption and cybercrime.
The academic program has also exposed business and investment opportunities in Spain, highlighting real estate operations, taxation for non-residents, inheritance aspects, the steps to follow to obtain the Golden Visa, as well as the procedure for setting up Spanish companies and investment channels.
Lastly, the ICAB Secretary, Joaquim de Miquel, headed the delegation of participants of the "Summer Law Program" on Thursday 20th who visited the headquarters of the Superior Court of Justice of Catalonia (TJSC). They have been received by its president, Jesús Barrientos, who has explained to them how the Administration of Justice works in our country.
The event was held in PRESENTIAL FORMAT and in English.
A complete success for ICAB’s International Training department.

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PROGRAMA - SUMMER LAW PROGRAM: Barcelona Bar Summer International Law Conference Schedule 2023