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6th International Legal Breakfast: "The World of Foreign Investment and Trade in Cuba"

International Relations Commission | ICAB International Department

6th International Legal Breakfast: "The World of Foreign Investment and Trade in Cuba"

From the International Department of the Barcelona Bar Association (ICAB), we would like to invite you to participate in a new edition -the 6th- of the International Legal Breakfast.

On this occasion, the guest will be Mr. Ariel Mantecón Ramos, former President of the “Organización Nacional de Bufetes Colectivos de Cuba” (ONBC), Law School Associate Professor of the at the University of La Havana and vice president of the Cuban Society of Procedural Law.

The International Legal Breakfast, entitled "THE WORLD OF FOREIGN INVESTMENT AND TRADE IN CUBA. GUIDELINES FOR ADVICE TO COMPANIES AND INVESTORS", will take place on December 13, 2021 at 9.00 am in room 73 (7th floor building of c / Mallorca 283).

In order to participate, we would be grateful if you could send us your name and surname at the address There is a limited number of places, which will be allocated on a first-come-first-served basis.

International Relations Commission | ICAB International Department

6th International Legal Breakfast: "The World of Foreign Investment and Trade in Cuba"

General info

  • 12/13/2021
  • Class 73 ICAB
  • 13th December 2021 9 am Class 73 ICAB



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